Headaches: A common disease..!!!

In now days in  busy life, every single person has the problem of Headache. But are you aware why   headache knocks again and very soon...???
  • Due to Late nights ??
  • Over work load..??
  • Addiction of Alcohol..??
  • Stress...??
  • Or.... Due to Lack of Minerals like SALT.....???
Sea Salt
 Yes.. !!! That's true one of the most common reasons we get them is a lack of minerals. . Other causes can be more serious such as brain tumors. Some of us know what causes our headaches, and can relate them to lifestyle choices and Eating Habits and know how best to avoid them. s. For many people, their particular problem is caused by a decrease in their mineral levels, often caused by stress, in one form or another. If you know that your headache is connected to your stress levels, or you are wondering if this might be the case, then adding some sea salt to your diet could make the world of difference.

Try it on yourself....

When next time you have a headache, as soon as you feel it's raising up, put about an eighth of a teaspoon of sea salt into a mug, add some boiling water. Stir it, maybe adding cold water to taste, and then drink it. It’s a bit like having a drink of yeast extract, or very weak chicken stock. It may taste very Yuukk..!!, or maybe  salty. If it tastes too salty to you, add more hot water to make it weaker. You’ll soon find the strength best suited to you. If you want more, or want to have a stronger mixture, then that’s OK.

After about twenty minutes ask yourself if your headache is any different. If there is an improvement, then you know that a lack of sea salt and its minerals are connected to your headaches. Get used to altering the amounts of sea salt in the water to suit you. This could take a few weeks to really get to know, but as you get used to the drinks, you will soon be able to make yourself a drink that’s just right.

It was 1 face of the coin on the other face If you find that after some testing, your headaches do not improve, then you know that your particular headache is not connected to your mineral levels. As we’ve discussed, lots of people have headaches, but many of them will have nothing to do with mineral levels.

If you find that minerals are connected to your headaches, I suggest introducing sea salt into your diet on a daily basis as that could greatly reduce the frequency and severity of headaches.
