Green Tea

It being so nice to this season.....Today morning when i woke up.I had a sip of Sharing with you... the benefits of Green Tea.....Green Tea has been around for about 5,000 years, dating back to the Chinese, who used it medicinally....Recently, green tea’s health benefits — especially it’s potential to fight cancer and heart disease — have attracted considerable attention..There is also suggest that green tea may have a role in lowering Cholesterol, burning fat, preventing Diabetes and Stroke, and  staving off Dementia.

Health Benefits of Green Tea :-

·  Heart-Healthy.  Green tea may protect against coronary artery disease, Atherosclerosis, high Triglycerides, and Hypertension.  The tea may also offer benefits reducing stroke risk and brain damage, and may help speed recovery from heart attack.  Green tea may also be useful as a treatment for high LDL Cholesterol.

·  Anti-Cancer.  Green tea may protect against some cancers because of its high antioxidant content, and certain compounds in the tea may prevent the formation of new blood vessels that feed tumors, according to the American Cancer Society.
·  Prevent Diabetes.  Green tea has shown the potential to be used as a natural method of controlling blood sugar levels.
·  Healthy Gums.  Green tea may help prevent gum disease and cavities because it acts as an antibacterial and green tea leaves contain fluoride, a substance known to prevent cavities.
·  Lose Weight.  The combination of caffeine and catechins (antioxidants) in green tea may boost metabolism and burn fat.  This benefit is specific to visceral fat, the type that accumulates in the tissues of the abdominal cavity and around the intestines.
·  Protect Your Brain.  Green tea’s catechins may offer a variety of neuroprotective benefits, resulting in a reduction in damage to brain cells. This may be of particular benefit to those at risk for or suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or a general decline in mental sharpness.
·  Stay Healthy.  Although research is ongoing, green tea appears to have both antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Sweeten your tea with a spoonful of Honey, and make it even healthier.  Honey is a natural energy booster, immune system builder, and cancer fighter.
