Black Pepper

Hi Guys..!!

Hope you all are doing great wherever you are around the world.

You know…. I was enjoying a day off at my home & having my lunch. My Mom served us lunch with the new recipe of Cheese n Corn Pasta. But when we tasted it, I realized it tasteless. After my refusal to the lunch mom tasted the pasta and find out the solution that there is missing of the taste of Spice. It was not spicy. Then Mom adds some black pepper into it. And it works like a miracle. Then I get an idea… to share with you guys…..

Black Pepper yes we are going to share about this spice today. A pinch of black pepper is added to almost every type of recipe imaginable. This actually comes from the berries of the pepper plant. We have many types of peppers like Black Pepper, Green pepper and White Peppercorns are actually the same fruit (Piper nigrum)

Would also like to share about Pepper has played a very important role throughout history and has been a prized spice since ancient times. So it became an important spice that catalyzed much of the spice trade compare to others. This not only led to exploration of many undiscovered lands, but also to the development of major merchant cities in Europe and the Middle East. It should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark and dry place. As on date, the major commercial producers of pepper are India and Indonesia also it can also be frozen although this will make its flavor more pronounced.

Health Benefits of Black Pepper.

  • Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) causes the taste buds in such a way that an alert is sent to to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion, thereby improving digestion. However Hydrochloric acid is necessary for the digestion of proteins and other food components in the stomach.
  • It has long been recognized as a healthful, which helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas, a property likely due to its beneficial effect of stimulating hydrochloric acid production.
  • It helps you derive the most benefit from your food; the outer layer of the peppercorn stimulates the breakdown of fat cells, keeping you slim while giving you energy to burn.
  • This induces sweating, which consequently cools down the body and relieves feverish symptoms.
  • It also known to treat and help a number of ailments. Oil of black pepper is often added to massage blends and applied to aching or painful joints and muscles, whether the pain is sports related or arthritic or rheumatic pain.
  • Black pepper plays a major role in digestion of food and which can help to settle the stomach and relieve gas.
  • This also helps to break down and digest fats and meat proteins much more easily, as it induces the production of saliva and gastric juices needed for digestion in the stomach.
  • Black pepper is a beneficial source of manganese and iron, which are equally important for the body to function correctly.
  • Components of these are often added to mouthwashes and gargles which help into for the used to treat sore throats.
  • It is a stimulant that can stimulate various parts of the body such as the Heart, Kidneys, Circulation and the Stomach also used to treat fatigue and tiredness
  • When foods are eaten with this, body is also able to absorb valuable vitamins and nutrients from the food much easier.
  • It is recommended that a strong black pepper and mint tea will help clear chest and lung infections and bring up unwanted mucous and phlegm.
  • Add a pinch of black pepper into the cup of tea, cure from the cold and boost the immunity.
  • Watermelon without black pepper prevent from the indigestion and SDT
Few more ideas of how to use Black Pepper in your cooking.
  • You can add to salad dressings with salt, olive oil and cider vinegar.
  • Also can include to omelets, egg mayonnaise and other cheese and egg dishes.
  • It can be added to strawberries or pineapple.
  • Black Pepper can be added to soups, stocks, sauces, marinades and stews.
  • Recommended use to rub onto meats, poultry and fish before roasting or cooking.
  • We can add to biscuit mixtures for spicy sweet biscuits also use to make pepper sauce.
  • In normal routine can add to mashed potato.
Safety precautions and warnings about Black Pepper.

We would also like to share about excessive topical use of Black Pepper essential oil may over affect the kidneys. So as per the Doctors advised should be avoided during pregnancy and it may also cause redness to the skin.


  1. This blog is very informative and easy to understand .Thanks for sharing!!!


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