Sendha Salt.... ( Rock Salt)

In my previous posts, I have shared with you regarding the ... How you can easily cure your headache with the appropriate usage of salt. In this post, I am going to tell you about some more health benefits related skin and hairs. Yes girls... salt can be a reason of your glow and shine. 

Rock Salt
By Salt doesn't mean mean  I am talking about common Salt. I am talking about Sendha Namak. Semdha Namak or Sendha Salt also known as  Rock Salt.Sendha Namak or rock salt is known as the purest form of Salt. That's the reason is costlier than other iodized salt.

Rock salt commercially known by the name of Halite. Halite is most commonly used for the ice by residential or municipally. Halite contain a substance which have very low freezing point than the pure water. The substance named as brine.Salt most commonly used for melting the ice.It is common for homeowner in cold climate to spread salt on on their sidewalks and driveways after a snow storm to melt the ice.

Sendha Namak or Sendha salt have great impact on our health , Skin and Hairs.

Benefits of Sandha Namak Or Sendha Salt.
As sendha salt is the purest form of salt which is derived from the natural resources sources of rock. Our body required 92 elements like calcium, iron, zinc and many more. The shocking part of Senadha salt is it contains the 84 elements out of 92.

  • Its is helpful for maintaining the blood pressure.
  • Its is helpful in digestive system and equalizing the cravings of food ( Improve appetite).
  • Due to equalizing the cravings in human being, It is helpful in weight loss.
  • Consumption of rock salt with lime water during vomits prevents from dehydration.
  • it soothes the heart burn, aid from gas problems and also eliminates the dead cell from the body.
  • Use Sendha salt during steam will be beneficial for asthma patients and also prevents from nose and ears problems.
  • Add sendha salt into warm water and use as gargles aids from dry cough, throat swelling, tonsils etc.
  • Gargling with the sendha salt prevents from tooth problems like toothache and also beneficial as tooth whitener and useful as fresheners.
  • After a long hard day, you can add rock salt into your bath. It eases your stress, mood, body pain.Bathing with rock salt sooth sore muscles, regulates sleep and also lower your body pressure. It also relax your mind and body.
  • During this summer season addition of Sendha salt into your diet prevent from dehydration. you can add it in juices and lassi etc. beverages 

Glow up with Sendha Salt

Being rich with minerals, rock salt has number of benefits for the glowing skin and hairs. lets check various usage of Sendha salt for glow of skin and hairs.
  • After day at work or all day out skin seems dull and dead. Dust and Pollution now days make skin dull. by using Sendha salt you can give new life to your skin. Add sendha salt into cleanser will clean your skin. 
  • It contains natural cleansing minerals which will glow up your skin after one wash.
  • As it is rich with the minerals, it is perfect product for your body spa. It is a home made spa for glowing up your skin.
  • Twice or Thrice use of Sendha Salt makes your skin more younger as it protect the natural layer of skin.
  • Gental massage of sendha salt and warm water  or soaking nails into that liquid removing the yellowness and glow up nails beautiful.It also strengthen the skin tissues, it eliminates the dead skin so your skin looks more beautiful and healthy.
  • Soaking your hands and foot into warm water by adding some Sendha salt into it, it delivers all the benefits of mineral to the skin.
  • Use as a cleanser, It clean your skin pores so it can breath easily.
  • Consumption of Sendha Salt with lemon juice and ginger on daily basis prevent from skin enlargement.  
As it contains cleanser minerals. these minerals are also helpful for the removal of dead skin from scalp and it also remove dirt from hairs.

Usage: Add some Sendha salt into your shampoo it will remove all the dirt particles and provide the various minerals to the scalp.

Due to the its effective minerals, it helpful for the increases the volume to your hairs.

Usage: Add some rock salt and Sendha Salt into your conditioner and apply it on your hairs wash after 15 - 20 mins with normal water for great results.

Hope all you will like my this effort and please do comment for any other inputs. I will be waiting for your comments.

Be Healthy and Get Strong
