Health Promotional .... Poppy seeds !!

Poppy Flower
Poppy Pant is an annual plant. The seeds of this plant are present in poppy heads. Poppy seeds are ingredients of majority of tonics.

They are also rich in carbohydrates. These are also a good source of Proteins , Fats and Fiber. Poppy seeds contains Omega-3 fatty acids in good amount.In the terms of minerals, Poppy seeds contain Calcium and Phosphorus.

The juice of the plant rich in Oxalic acid and Opium. Opium contains 25 alkaloids with the codeine which is the main alkaloid.

The seeds are excellence source B-Complex vitamins such as thiamine, Pantothenic Acid, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, and Folic Acid. Many of these Vitamins functions as  co- factors in substrate metabolism especially fat and carbohydrates.

Health Benefit of  Poppy Seeds
Poppy seeds also known as anti-oxidant and Disease Preventing etc.
  • Oleic acid, a mono- unsaturated fatty acids, Helps lower LDL or "Bad cholesterol" and increase HDL or " good cholesterol" level in blood.
  • Dietary Fiber binds to bile salts and decrease their re- absorption in the colon. It thus helps in a further decrease in blood LDL cholesterol.
  • Poppy seeds outer coat is a good source of Dietary fiber. Much fiber is metabolically inert content which helps increase bulk of the food by absorbing water down the digestive tract and thereby easing constipation problem.
Poppy seeds contain good levels of minerals like Iron, Copper, Calcium, Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese etc.
Poppy seeds
  • Copper is required in the production of the red blood cells.
  • Zinc is a co- factor in  many enzymes that regulates growth and development, Sperm generation, digestion and Nucleic and Synthesis.
  • Potassium is an important component of Cells and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Manganese is used by the body as a co- factor for the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme, Superoxide dismutase.

 The Milk can be extracted Health Benefits of poppy Seeds
  • From poppy seeds. If 30 g of this milk is mixed with sugar the obtained remedy can be used if a person is suffering from problems with sleeping. Another option is a teaspoon of poppy seeds oil which spouse to be taken before going to bed.
  • A perfect choice of the home remedy for dysentria. To fight this irritating infection the poppy seeds are used in a form of powder. A quarter of teaspoon of the powder if fried in honey. Mixture is taken twice a day and is rather effective in dealing with symptoms of  Dysentery .
  • A paste obtained from the root is rubbed onto the skin in all those who are suffering from prickling sensations.
  • Poppy in a form of one more paste acts as a very powerful cooling agent especially used in case of increased Body temperature.
  • If one is suffering from Itch , paste made of ground poppy seeds and apply it onto the affected skin.
  • Poppy seeds provides with excellent protection against heart attacks and other heart conditions.

Hypnotic properties of Poppy seeds are used in fight against Pain especially during the Labor, Incase of colics and pain in testicles. Opium that obtained from the poppy plants is most commonly used for the unbearable pains and act as a painkiller on the use of regular basis.
Due to the Oliec acid poppy seeds oil is helpful in the treating breast cancer and also useful as the pain during cancer. It acts as a Pain removal.
