Aniseed... and Health Benefits

Anise Seeds is a spice as well as  herb. Anise is a herbaceous annual plants. Anise plants grow best in light, fertile, well drained soil.

The seeds, oil and less frequently the root and leaf have many medicine and It has great effect on your body, especially for women's.

As the plant have taproot, they don't transplant well after being established.

Anise As food

  • Anise is used as a flavor agent. As it has a sweet aromatic taste that resembles the taste of block licorice.
  • It is most commonly used in alcohol, liqueurs, such as anisette and Ouzo.
  • Anise is also used in dairy products, meats, candies, breath freshener, gelatin's.
  • Western cuisines have long used anise to flavor some dishes, drinks and candies the most powerful flavor component of the essential oil of anise. anethol is found in both anise and unrelated spices called star anise.   
Anise and Health Benefits

  • Anise is used for upset stomach.
  • It also has a great impact on intestinal gal, Runny Nose.
  • As an expectorant to increase productive cough.
  • It is also use to increase the flow of the urine.
  • You can stimulate your appetite with anise.
  • Women use anise to milk flow when nursing.
  • It is helpful for start the menstruation, treat menstrual discomfort.
  • It also relieves the pains of menstruation.
  • It ease the childbirth and also increase the sex driven.
  • Anise is safe for Pregnancy and breast feeding
  • Its helpful for treating the menstrual cramps.
  • Men use anise to treat sleeping , Asthma, Constipation.
  • Some use anise directly to the skin to treat lice, scabies, psoriasis.
  • The essential oil has reportedly been used as an insecticide against head, lice and mites. 

Cautions: Avoid Anise during Breast Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, or Uterine fibroid.
