Red Chili contains Capsaicin.

India is the largest producer, consumer and Exporter of Chili peppers. Among which Guntur in Andhra Pradesh produces 30% of all the chilies produced in India. Andhra Pradesh contributes to 75% of all the chili exports from India.

Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans to encounter them "pepper" because they like Black and White pepper of the Piper genus known in Europe, have a spicy hot taste unlike other food stuffs.

Chilies were cultivated around the globe after Columbus.

Chili pepper journey from India, through Central Asia and turkey, to Hungary, where it became the national spice in the form of  Paprika.

Chili peppers are commonly broken down into 3 groupings:

  1. Bell Pepper
  2. Sheet pepper
  3. Hot Pepper
Chili peppers originated in the Americans after the Colombians exchange, make cultivars of chili pepper spread across the world, used in both food and medicines.

These chili peppers arrived in Asia by the hand of the Portuguese navigated during the 16th century.

Red chili pepper are available throughout the year to add zest to flavorful dishes around the world and health to those brave enough to risk their fiery heat.

Facts About Red Chili 
Powder of Red Chili

Boost Immunity: The bright red color of chili pepper signal its high content of pro Vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the essential Vitamin for our health. It is healthful in these ways : 
  • It increase the immunity
  • good for eyes
  • Urinary stones
  • Prevent from cancer 
  • Used for healthy skin and Many more other benefits. 
Beneficial for Cardiovascular : Red chili peppers, such as Cayenne, is helpful to reduce blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels and platelets aggregation and increasing the ability of body dissolve fibrin in body.
Its helpful in the formation of blood clots.

chili pepper may also protect the fats in your blood.

Red chili increase the Heart rate in males by increasing the amount of blood reaching the heart.

Sweat and Reduce:All that heat you feel after eating hot chili peppers takes energy- and calories to produce Even sweat red peppers have been found to contain substances that significantly increase thermogenesis and Oxygen consumption for more than 20 minutes  after they are eaten.

Ulcer Friendly: It is not  true  that chili had bad impact on ulcer . It is helpful for killing the bacteria that you have ingested.

Fight Inflammation: Chili peper contains a substance called Capsaicin. Capsaicin is being studied as an effective treatment for Sensory nerve fibre disorder, including pain associated with arthritis,  psoriasis and diabetic neuropathy.
Clear congestion: Capsaicin is also reduces congestion.

Helpful for Stop the Spread  of Prostrate Cancer:  Capsaicin is the responsible  for their pungent heat. A study published in the March 15, 2006 issue of Cancer Research, that the spread of postrate cancer cell through a variety of mechanisms. Capsaicin triggers suicide in both prostate cancer lines.

Natural Pain Removal: Topical capsaicin is now a recognized treatment option for Osteoarthritis pain. 

Topical Capsaicin to alleviate disabling pain associated with this condition

The side effect reported with topical capsaicin is a hot burning sensation at the particular area.

There are hundreds of different types of chili peppers that's vary in size, shape,color,flavors and hotness
