Kitchen full of Colors and Medicines 

In all the colors of kitchen the yellow color is the king in the kitchen. yes....!! I am talking about TURMERIC.

India and Pakistan are significant producers of turmeric which has regional names based on language and country.Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years and is a major part of Ayurvedic medicines. It was first used as a dye and then later for its medicinal properties. In India, turmeric has been used traditionally for thousands of years as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments, as well as topically to heal sores, basically for its supposed antimicrobial property. 

In childhood when you get wound the first aid is always start from home with Haldi doodh (turmeric milk) is warm milk mixed with some turmeric powder. It is commonly used in India as a home remedy when someone is suffering from fever also. 

Turmeric paste is often used in India as an antiseptic in open wounds, while chun-holud (turmeric with slaked lime) is used to stop bleeding as home remedies. 

Turmeric is not only used as medicines in India , It is used as medicine in traditional chinese medicines to aid digestion and liver function, relieve arthritis pains and regulate mensuration.
